Wind Farm Shutdown Allows Neighbours to Sleep Comfortably for 1st Time in Years



As time goes by, the irrefutable evidence mounts that incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound is a hazard to human health; and no evidence is more compelling than the negative effect wind turbine noise and vibration has on the critical need for sleep.

The World Health Organisation has viewed “noise-induced sleep disturbance … as a health problem in itself” for over 60 years – its Night-time Noise Guidelines for Europe – the Executive Summary at XI to XII which covers the point – says:


There is plenty of evidence that sleep is a biological necessity, and disturbed sleep is associated with a number of health problems. Studies of sleep disturbance in children and in shift workers clearly show the adverse effects.

Noise disturbs sleep by a number of direct and indirect pathways. Even at very low levels physiological reactions (increase in heart rate, body…

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